Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amazing Animals

Amazing Animals... another reason why becoming a vegetarian is important to me. The more I read about how animals are treated the more I know going vegetarian is for me.

Did you know:

Chickens - are inquisitive, interesting animals who are thought to be as intelligent as cats, dogs, and even some primates. They understand sophisticated intellectual concepts, learn from watching each other, and even have cultural knowledge that is passed from generation to generation. Dr. Chris Evans, a scientist who studies avian cognition says, “As a trick at conferences I sometimes list these attributes, without mentioning chickens, and people think I’m talking about monkeys.”

Pigs - are curious and insightful animals thought to have intelligence beyond that of an average 3-year-old human child. They are smarter than dogs and every bit as friendly, loyal, and affectionate. Scientists and scholars who have studied pigs say that pigs are the smartest animals outside of primates. Says Dr. Donald Broom, scientific advisor to the British government, “[Pigs] have the cognitive ability to be quite sophisticated. Even more so than dogs and certainly three-year-olds.”

Fish - are smart, sensitive animals with their own unique personalities. They have excellent memories and can learn to avoid nets by watching other fish in their group and can recognize individual “shoal mates.” Some fish gather information by eavesdropping on others, and some even use tools. Says marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle, “They’re so good-natured, so curious. You know, fish are sensitive, they have personalities, they hurt when they're wounded.”

Cows - are intelligent, loyal animals who enjoy solving problems. Cows have been known to use their smarts to perform amazing feats, such as leaping over a 6-foot fence to escape a slaughterhouse, walking 7 miles to be reunited with a calf after being sold at auction, and swimming across a river to freedom. When cows figure out the solution to a problem, they have a “Eureka!” moment, according to animal behaviorists.

Turkeys - are social, playful birds who enjoy the company of others. They relish having their feathers stroked and like to chirp, cluck, and gobble along to their favorite tunes. According to Oregon State University poultry scientist Tom Savage, turkeys are “smart animals with personality and character, and keen awareness of their surroundings.”

Ducks and Geese - are very loyal to their families and very protective of their partners and offspring. Often, they will refuse to leave an injured or sick mate or chicks behind, even if winter is approaching and the other geese in the group are flying south. After a partner dies, some geese spend the rest of their lives without a mate; this can be a long time, because geese can live up to 25 years.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 3 as a Pescatarian

I'm sure you are wondering what the heck a Pescatarian is... so here is the definition:

A Pescatarian is a word occasionally used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. Although the word is not commonly used and a pescatarian is not technically a vegetarian, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet, usually for health reasons or as a stepping stone to a fully vegetarian diet. Pescetarians often believe that moderate consumption of fish or fish oils, which are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, is necessary for optimum health, although vegetarian alternatives, such as flax seed oil, are available.

On more then one occasion I have been asked why I am not a vegetarian, this question based primarily on my animal rights and cruelty beliefs. Good question. I have thought about becoming a vegetarian before but never followed through with it. This question has made me really think about the choice of eating or not eating meat and my beliefs. More importantly I have thought about the unethical and inhumane treatment of the animals. It makes me physically ill to see a semi carrying pigs or cows or chickens all crammed into a small space. If something like that bothers me so I have no business eating meat.

After doing a little research I have decided to stop eating meat but I am still going to eat seafood. Thus the title of Pescatarian. Today is the ending of day three and it has been much easier then I thought. Only time will tell but I really think this is a change I can and will stick to.

I am looking forward to finding new recipes and learning more about being a Pescatarian. So if you have any great vegetarian recipes let me know.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ready or Not

It is unavoidable and I don't like it. I'm getting older and nothing stops that train.

As I approach turning 30, a mix of emotions and feelings about what this new age group, age span or age bracket will bring for me continues to hijack my thoughts. I hear thirty is the new twenty from some, that age is just a number for others and that thirty is not old wait till you’re my age from those teetering on collecting social security and ordering for the Senior menu.

For more reasons then I can count, the idea or better yet the reality of turning thirty is not a welcomed age in any way shape or form. The very thought of writing 30 whenever I need to put my age on paperwork makes me feel like I am now going to be considered…OLD…or at least OLDER. I don’t want to be old, older or anything closely tied to being “advanced in years” as “Old” is defined in the dictionary. I have never really feared turning another year older more then I do this year.

I know you may think that it is silly I am feeling this way but the truth is I have dreaded turning the big 3-0 for quite some time. There is nothing sexy or appealing or exciting about the number 30. Not that I can stop it and maybe that is why I am fighting the inevitable in my thoughts …the inevitable being that on April 23, 2009 I will in fact be thirty years old.

I must admit I am not excited to now be forced to check the third box on various information forms. You know the one…Check here if you are: 18 to 23, 23 to 29, 30 to 35…I have savored checking that 23 to 29 box every time I have checked it over the past year knowing that in the months ahead I would have to check the 30 to 35 box. I know … ridiculous. But hey with the turning of another year older, I have instantly been placed into a new group for marketers to market to, maybe I will get better coupons and discounts in the mail.

I have never lied about my age, why would I, I have always been on the older side of my friends any way. (And no I did not flunk a grade, I was just older.) No reason to rush being any older then I already am, right. This couldn't be any truer then it is right now. I fully expect to have moments now where I want to continue to tell people I am 29 just so I don’t have to say the dreaded word…T-H-I-R-T-Y. I never understood why someone would lie about his or her age… now I do.

I am truly, oddly and unequivocally not looking forward to turning 30. To have to say good-bye and leave my twenties behind makes me both nostalgic and sad. But at the same time there are a couple of things I experienced over the past ten years that I am happy to say adios to. (See many of my previous blog entries)

There is just something about saying your in your twenties … twenties are youthful, fun, hip, fresh, untainted, inexperienced, young and you have an instant excuse for making a bad choice or decision.

The thought of not being able to do some of the things I could do when I was in my twenties and closing a chapter of my adult life scares me to death.

Who wants to see a thirty year old at a bar filled with 21 year olds? Not that I would have necessarily enjoyed or wanted to hang out in a bar with 20 or 21 years olds at 29 any way, the point is I no longer feel that I will have that option. I will leave the hanging out and hooking up with 20 year olds to Bill. Good luck there buddy.

When I think about saying I am in my thirties all of a sudden a whole new level of expected responsibility pops into my head. But I am also plagued with facing the reality of the things I didn’t accomplish when I was in my twenties. I wont call them failures as it is not up to me to decide when I will meet the man of my dreams or when I will be blessed by become a Mom or when I will find the job that makes me feel fulfilled as a human being. Maybe that is what scares me the most and makes turning thirty so difficult.

When I was right out of college I had a picture of what my life would be like and thirty seemed so far away. I thought then that I would most definitely be married and possibly thinking about having a baby by the time I was thirty. I understand that things don’t happen according to MY plan and when I want things to happen…only God knows those details. But that does not make it less difficult at times, when the majority of your close friends are married or married with kids and you are not and you are approaching thirty.

I am hoping that all of the negative and frightening thoughts about turning thirty quickly dissolve. After all I have a whole ten years of being in my thirties so I guess I better get used to it.

While I may not be ecstatic about turning another year older, I do hope that my thirties open up a new, surprising and exciting chapter in my life. Stay tuned for the details.

I know my best is yet to come...with age of course.