My post will be short tonight as I am super tired....I do want to reflect on 0the day....the weather was beautiful today but just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west we can count on Indiana weather to go from 70 degrees and sunny one day to 40 degrees and cloudy the next.
I had a wonderful opportunity to spend my evening with two very sweet and adorable little girls. I watched Abby and Claire tonight and like always it was great to spend time with them. I was also able to re-teach myself to play Old Maid....I vaguely remembered the rules from playing the card game when I was little but with the help of Abby I now am a killer Old Maid player. Abby and I also played a couple games of Hi-Ho Cherry-O but I lost both times....really I lost.
It is still so amazing to me to see my friends as parents. I often feel like we are all still 16 years old and that we should be going to HS football games, talking about prom and cramming 7 girls into one car on our way to a movie. Wow how time flys.
Every time I see one of my friends with their children it just solidifies for me how much I love kids and have no doubt that some day I will be a Mom. And I can't wait.
Life is so unpredictable...Its funny sometimes how you have something planned out in your head and you think you know what your future is going to be and then in the blink of an eye it all changes. And that change can scare the hell out of you.
But you know what....I am thankful every day that the future I thought I would have took a quick turn off the planned road and onto Unknown Avenue....because I dont think the life I planned for would've been the right life for me. The life that would bring out the best in me and make me happy. So now I get the great and exciting opportunity to start fresh and new....and I am so excited to see where my life will go next and who I will meet.
"Only those who have the patience to do simple things will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily." -Unknown
the music is everywhere
7 years ago
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