I started off the morning hitting my snooze button at least three times. Which is unfortunately not a good way to start off the week. Needless to say, I hate Mondays...never been a favorite day for me. Some how I was able to get ready and out the door in record time. So with positive attitude for a new day in tow I left to begin another work week.
As I was driving to work and flipping through radio stations I started listening to Radio Now and the topic of cheating came up. More specifically and interestingly the topic of text messaging and cheating came up. They were taking calls from people who had experienced this type of frustrating and upsetting experience. Amazingly many, many people have caught their significant other cheating by reading their text messages.
So I called in....why not, I think I have an interesting story and would love to add my two cents about the subject.
I actually got through, told the producer my story and they put me on the air...This was my first call into a radio station, I normally don't think there is a reason to call in as I think who would want to hear my opinion. But this time I had a personal connection to the topic. It took everything I had not to call Bill out (complete name and cell phone number) to all who were listening in the Indpls area but I decided that I just cant be that mean.
I told my, now months and months, old story about the demise of my relationship and how it all came to an end because I too found text messages and compromising photos on Bill's cell phone which lead to the confession of cheating. Even though I am sure he didn't hear it and probably no one I know was listening...it still felt good just to get that last "Screw You Bill" out. I have also decided that I will no longer spend .1% of my time, memory, etc. on talking about what happened with him or how much I both loved and hated him. Relationships are so complex...never quite able to completely understand them.
What I do understand now 8 months later is without a doubt, I know now that my personality, life and happiness were all spared thanks to Bill. Never thought I would see this day and really mean whole-heartily that I am glad Bill wasn't the one for me. That only means that that someone is still out there, which is both promising and exciting.
"Success is a piece of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best which you are capable." - John Wooden
the music is everywhere
7 years ago
1 comment:
umm...you are very funny! can i have your autograph since you are famous!
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