This year Finish Line decided to implement Summer Flex Time. I have been in the Marketing Dept at Finish Line for almost 5 years and I must admit I never thought this day would come. It is fantastic! Every other Friday through August we get the day off. Now this perk does not come without some extra work on weeks where you have the Friday off....meaning working longer days Monday through Thursday...but getting a Friday completely off out weighs the extra hours on those days.
My day has already been great as I was able to sleep in until a double digit number on my alarm clock....Love sleeping in.
It is sunny, warm and perfect outside. I am going to the pool to layout and catch up on my Glamour and Cosmo....I am having flashbacks of how much I loved summer when I actually had a summer vacation. I should have been a teacher. Too bad there arent any hot cabana boys serving daquris at the pool that would then be an even better excursion.
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder
the music is everywhere
7 years ago
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