In August, SSHS grads from the class of 1998 will join together to catch up and to see who married who, how many kids so and so have and of course how everyone has changed over the last 10 years.
I still can't believe it has been 10 years since I graduated from South Side High School.
This event is making me feel quite old. I don't feel like I have been out of high school for 10 years nor can I believe I have been out of college for 6 years.
Where has the time gone? Part of me would love to morph back into being a seventeen year old high school student. Then my only worries would be getting home by curfew, making sure I did my English homework and getting to volleyball practice on time.
I have mixed feelings about this upcoming gathering. I try to stay in touch with those people I was close to in high school and see them as often as I can. Yet I will be honest, I think it will be fun to see how those people, I haven't see for 10 years, have turned out. Wow....10 years seems like such long time!
"I was thinking about how disjointedly time seemed to flow, passing in a blur at times, with single images standing out more clearly than others. And then, at other times, every second was significant, etched in my mind. " -Stephenie Meyer
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