I am ridiculously tired this morning. I could not help myself...I was up till 1am watching as the US Men's Gymnastics team fought for a bronze medal. But now I feel as though I was up all night partying...but without the hangover.
As I was diligently working this morning...I had a brief ADD moment and jumped on MSN.com to catch up on the latest world news, what country was in the lead for the most Olympic medals, and well I'll just be honest, I also wanted to find out whats happening in the lives of Hollywood's rich and famous. FYI...while I hate to admit it...OMG on Yahoo is also a good time waster for when you are having an ADD moment at work. Who doesn't like to keep up on the Spears sisters and Heidi/Spencer drama? When does the new Hills begin?
In the process of scrolling through a multitude of articles informing daily readers about what the best Pet fashions, an interview with Tori Spelling and a highlighted story on the most medicated states in the United States, (which by the way is West Virginia, in case you were interested in moving there) I happened to come across this interesting little bit of irony and funniness... 13 Things We've Learned from Living Alone.
Unfortunately or maybe not, I found that I could related to many of the 13 things. Although I was probably the most lucky person in the world when it came to having fantastic roommates...sidebar I really did have wonderful roommates all except for Laura Miller, what a nightmare. I also have found that I do enjoy living without them. No offense I loved always having a friend to talk to, watch re-runs of Law/Order with, go out with or borrow from but now that I am 29 it just seems different and I like it. Living alone also helps with my military-like OCD cleaning rituals from annoying the hell out of my lovely roommates. Its a win for everyone...I have a clean house and I get to keep my friends. Although I must say, #12 is a bit disturbing, rest assured although I do have two cats and a dog I will not become a pet hoarder, or any kind of a hoarder for that matter (have you seen that Oprah, yikes!) nor will I ever become a cat lady. Just for the record.
I posted the article's list below...
13 Things We've Learned From Living Alone
By: Eileen Conlan, Magazine: Marie Claire
1. Blouses that button up the back are Satan's greatest triumph.
2. It's amazing how quickly one person can go through a roll of toilet paper.
3. OMG, the hair in the drain is all yours.
4. Dinner tastes better eaten pants-less, standing at the sink.
5. A Slim Jim and a Snack Pack pudding make for a really satisfying meal.
6. Alone time makes you philosophical: If I eat this wedge of cheesecake and no one is here to see it, did I really eat it?
7. It's easy to go 48 hours without speaking.
8. Things You Can Now Do Naked: Dice, disinfect, dust, vacuum, hang, knit, crosswords, read, play Wii, shop online, bank online, blog, file taxes, prune indoor garden, macrame, sweep, whittle, blow glass, watercolor, glaze, sculpt, polish, refurbish, rewire, Tae Bo, role-play, Google, play darts.
9. What to Netflix while you're waiting for the cable guy to show up: The Money Pit, Funny Farm, Grey Gardens, Under the Tuscan Sun, The Station Agent, and season one of Big Love (for the days you miss having roommates).
10. I Need To Do That? Professionally shampoo rugs once a year . . . dry-clean drapes every two years . . . defilm the coffeemaker every three months . . . deodorize the microwave monthly . . . change bedsheets weekly.
11. TAKE THAT, SMUG COUPLES: In general, married women experience more depression than do single women.
12. TRY A PET ROCK: 76% of animal hoarders (think 19 dogs, 32 cats, and a zebra in one house) are women, and over half live alone.
13. BEWARE THAT DIPTYQUE (and for godsake, don't light a vanilla one): 18,000 home fires are started annually by candles.
"Women are like tea bags; put them in hot water and they get stronger."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
the music is everywhere
7 years ago
1 comment:
Hi Meg! Love the blog - I feel like you are chatting with me here in my living room! Sorry to miss you in Chicago - lets try to do a raindate after the holidays! Love you!! xox Leah
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