I was going through photos the other day and I found this picture. In case you are new here or are not sure who is who in this photo, I'll give you the low down, these beautiful ladies are Jenn, Erica, Christie and myself.
Honestly, I think I have hundreds maybe thousands of photos of the four of us dating back to elementary school at good old Harrison Hill and even as far back as pre-school at Lincolnshire with Christie!
I used to be obsessed with documenting every occasion or even a non-occasion by taking pictures. I have ridiculous amounts of photo albums and stacks of photos in boxes but I love to flip through them and see how we've all changed.
I am so blessed to have met these girls so early on in life because we have been able to share with each other important life experiences, rites of passage and so many memories I couldn't begin to count. I think it is a rare thing to find a group of friends who have been friends since they were 8 years old.
I am a lucky girl.
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." -Unknown
I don't think I have ever seen that picture. I am trying to remember who took it. What hotties we are! That vacation was a blast! We all came back insanely tan! I love you girls!
I love you guys! I miss those days!
P.S. Erica, I think someone walking on the beach took that picture for us.
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