Monday, August 18, 2008

Learned My Lesson...Well... Kind of....

See this cute, innocent looking, little dog, don't be fooled, while trying to save his little life from what would have certainly been disastrous, he BIT me!

Lets rewind a bit....I love animals, I don't know when this huge love for animals began, but I do hold a special place for them in my heart, and honestly I always have been like this. Growing up we always had a family dog and I have never been afraid of any animal. Actually I feel sorry for people who are afraid of dogs or cats because I think they are missing out on having a pet.

I have no issue stopping on the side of the road to help a stray cat or dog. I actually think stray animals seek me out because they know I will stop to help them. I have had several great experiences where I was able to reunite a lost pet with their owner. And remained uninjured in the process. I always try to put myself in the owners shoes. If Lucy, Roxy or Farley ever got out and were lost, I would hope someone would stop to help them just like I do.

Well this weekend I was on my way home to Fort Wayne for my 10 year high school reunion, with Lucy in tow of course. All of a sudden I see this little animal running down the median, I think I screamed...I couldn't believe this little 10 lb dog was running down the middle of I-69. Immediately I did a U-turn, of course using the area that blatantly states only for authorized vehicles. I could have cared less, I just didn't want this little dog to get smashed by a Semi or one of the many cars doing 75 mph.

At first the little guy was scared, I could totally understand. I was very cautious and calm as I approached him. I threw him a couple Goldfish Pretzels and he seemed to be friendly. As I got closer he remained calm but as I got even closer he bit my finger. The little helpless Jack Russell Terrier I was trying to save, all of a sudden turned into Cujo! Really the blood dripping down my hand looked far worse then the wound really was. Thank god another person stopped right after I got bit to help out. Randomly this woman was on her way to a dog show, so she had a empty crate and a leash that she used to capture the dog. She said she was going to drop it off at the closest Humane Society. Upon realizing I had been bit by this tiny dog

she exclaimed, "Wow you should get that looked at...that is really gonna swell up"

I responded, "Yes I think that would probably be a good idea. "

Really lady, you think I didn't realize that there was a puncture wound on my hand and that my hand was dripping in blood. Thanks for the info...I was a little annoyed...Seriously I was just bit by a strange dog of course I am going to freaking get it looked at.

I stopped at a Rapid Care once in Fort Wayne and asked them what I should do. They told me it takes 72 hours for would be rabies to infect your body, so I was good until I got back to Indy to get a tetanus shot. Not comforting, but at least I didn't have to worry about dying in my sleep or succumbing to some other random symptom of rabies, at least not until 72 hours later.

So today I went to the doctor and got a tetanus shot, it hurt way less then giving blood. Now I no longer need to worry about rabies or any other infection from the little innocent looking dog that tried to bit my finger off. I have learned my lesson to a degree, however, I will not be able to stop helping stranded and scared animals. I will just be more cautious about it next time. Those little dogs can fool you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little dogs are generally meaner than big dogs... at least my little dog THINKS he's meaner... =)