I don't like Wednesdays....never have....such a sucky day of the week. Nothing too exciting ever seems to happen on a Wednesday either. Although the minute I am on a week long vacation, the passing of Wednesday makes me sad because that means the week is almost over and so is the vacation.
I again stayed up too late watching the Olympics. The 12 hour time difference is a killer and of course all of the sports I care to watch: Swimming, Gymnastics and Volleyball are typically shown on prime time so I find myself staying up till midnight to see the results. I don't have DVR or TiVo...I know I am the exception to most in this regard, even my parents have DVR. As my friend at work Elizabeth said..."Megan its only like $5 more a month." I know...but I fear that if I did get TiVo or DVR that I would become chained to my television... feeling compelled to catch up on all my shows during my free time and then becoming a hermit in my house.
How fantastic would it be to be at the Olympics in person and it would also mean I would be on a vacay....which sounds great right now. I would love to go to an Olympics at some point in my life. Add that one to the never ending list of things to do before I die.
Anyways I found this little quiz on msn.com and decided to test my commitment level. I am a sucker for quizzes like this, you know the ones that are supposed to tell me something about myself that I didn't already know. Am I a hopeless romantic or just hopeless...Am I a Workaholic....What is my personal style type and so on. I have found that Glamour and Cosmo are also great resources for these types of quizzes....again another time waster.
Here were my results from the quiz...not really a shocker:
Well, you are without a doubt a commitment superstar who does not shy away from any responsibility that comes along!
Most likely, you think the phrase being tied down gives commitment a bad name. You're certainly not afraid to sign on any number of dotted lines, unlike quite a few people around you. Relationships and responsibilities are important to you. You like knowing the people you can count on, and that probably makes other people able to rely on you! But don't just sign on for any old commitment. You always have a tendency to want responsibility, structure, and a set routine, but you need to add a little spontaneity into your life! Take the long way home from work, go to a different sandwich shop for lunch, or even spend some time alone without a significant other. You might not know how to behave at first, but you'll get back in touch with the self you may have lost in the sea of commitments and responsibilities you've made. Only when you're ready, jump back in, but be sure to take regular care of yourself. The roots people put down make their lives richer, and you will always have plenty of that kind of wealth in your life.
Take the quiz: http://astrocenter.astrology.msn.com/msn/Quiz.aspx?type=com&Af=-1000
the music is everywhere
7 years ago
DVRs are the greatest invention since... well since they invented fire.
Actually they're reporting that tickets for Olympic events are extraordinarily expensive... and most venues aren't even half full. People who have gone are pissed it's so expensive.
Maybe you'll get your chance... Chicago is one of the finalists for 2016.
I agree with Liam, I could not live without mine!!
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